Diversity and Inclusive Teaching
Teaching to engage diversity, to include all learners, and to seek equity is essential for preparing civically engaged adults and for creating a campus and society that recognizes the contributions of all people. Teaching for diversity refers to acknowledging a range of differences in the classroom. Teaching for inclusion signifies embracing difference. Teaching for equity allows the differences to transform the way we think, teach, learn and act such that all experiences and ways of being are handled with fairness and justice. These ideas complement each other and enhance educational opportunities for all students when simultaneously engaged. […]
Inclusive teaching strategies are intended to ensure that all students feel supported such that they freely learn and explore new ideas, feel safe to express their views in a civil manner, and are respected as individuals and members of groups. Intentionally incorporating inclusive teaching strategies helps students view themselves as people who belong to the community of learners in a classroom and university.
Adapted from https://ctal.udel.edu/resources-2/inclusive-teaching/
The word “fairness”(2nd paragraph) is formed by:
Portanto, “fairness” é a qualidade de ser justo, e é formada pela adição do sufixo “-ness” ao adjetivo “fair”. Isso transforma o conceito de ser justo em uma ideia abstrata ou qualidade que pode ser discutida e avaliada.
O que são prefixos e sufixos em inglês? Dê pelo menos um exemplo de cada.
SufixosOs sufixos são adicionados ao final de uma palavra para modificar seu significado ou função gramatical.
Esses prefixos e sufixos ajudam a expandir o vocabulário, permitindo a criação de novas palavras a partir de raízes existentes. | |
PrefixosOs prefixos são adicionados ao início de uma palavra para alterar seu significado.
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