Matéria: Língua Inglesa

Here’s why we’ll never be able to build a brain in a computer

It’s easy to equate brains and computers – they’re both thinking machines, after all. But the comparison doesn’t really stand up to closer inspection, as Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett reveals.

People often describe the brain as a computer, as if neurons are like hardware and the mind is software. But this metaphor is deeply flawed.

A computer is built from static parts, whereas your brain constantly rewires itself as you age and learn. A computer stores information in files that are retrieved exactly, but brains don’t store information in any literal sense. Your memory is a constant construction of electrical pulses and swirling chemicals, and the same remembrance can be reassembled in different ways at different times.

Brains also do something critical that computers today can’t. A computer can be trained with thousands of photographs to recognise a dandelion as a plant with green leaves and yellow petals. You, however, can look at a dandelion and understand that in different situations it belongs to different categories. A dandelion in your vegetable garden is a weed, but in a bouquet from your child it’s a delightful flower. A dandelion in a salad is food, but people also consume dandelions as herbal medicine.

In other words, your brain effortlessly categorises objects by their function, not just their physical form. Some scientists believe that this incredible ability of the brain, called ad hoc category construction, may be fundamental to the way brains work.

Also, unlike a computer, your brain isn’t a bunch of parts in an empty case. Your brain inhabits a body, a complex web of systems that include over 600 muscles in motion, internal organs, a heart that pumps 7,500 litres of blood per day, and dozens of hormones and other chemicals, all of which must be coordinated, continually, to digest food, excrete waste, provide energy and fight illness.[…]

If we want a computer that thinks, feels, sees or acts like us, it must regulate a body – or something like a body – with a complex collection of systems that it must keep in balance to continue operating, and with sensations to keep that regulation in check. Today’s computers don’t work this way, but perhaps some engineers can come up with something that’s enough like a body to provide this necessary ingredient.

For now, ‘brain as computer’ remains just a metaphor. Metaphors can be wonderful for explaining complex topics in simple terms, but they fail when people treat the metaphor as an explanation. Metaphors provide the illusion of knowledge.

(Adapted from https://www.sciencefocus.com/future-technology/can-we-build-brain-computer/ Published: 24th October, 2021, retrieved on February 9th, 2022)

The passage in which the verb phrase indicates a necessity is:

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The passage in which the verb phrase indicates a necessity is:

“A passagem na qual a locução verbal indica uma necessidade é:”


“this incredible ability of the brain […] may be fundamental”

“essa incrível capacidade do cérebro […] pode ser fundamental”


“some engineers can come up with something”

“alguns engenheiros podem inventar algo”


“computers don’t work this way”

“computadores não funcionam dessa forma”


“brains don’t store information”

“cérebros não armazenam informações”


“it must regulate a body”

“ele deve regular um corpo


Na realidade, esta questão era só saber que MUST indica necessidade, e nenhum dos outros verbos indicam. Ainda tentaram colocar um “may” na primeira alternativa para tentar confundir, mas sabemos que “may” denota POSSIBILIDADE.

Portanto, letra E.

Quais verbos indicam necessidade?

Entre os mais comuns, estão:


Exemplo: "You must finish your homework before playing."

Explicação: Indica uma obrigação ou necessidade forte.

Have to

Exemplo: "I have to go to the meeting at 3 PM."

Explicação: Usado para expressar uma necessidade ou obrigação, muitas vezes imposta por fatores externos.

Need to

Exemplo: "You need to see a doctor."

Explicação: Indica uma necessidade ou requisito.


Exemplo: "You should study for the exam."

Explicação: Embora não seja tão forte quanto "must" ou "have to," sugere uma obrigação ou necessidade recomendada.

Ought to

Exemplo: "You ought to apologize."

Explicação: Similar a "should," mas um pouco mais formal, indicando uma obrigação moral.

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