Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil

Trust and audit

Trust is what auditors sell. They review the accuracy, adequacy or propriety of other people’s work. Financial statement audits are prepared for the owners of a company and presented publically to provide assurance to the market and the wider public. Public service audits are presented to governing bodies and, in some cases, directly to parliament.

It is the independent scepticism of the auditor that allows shareholders and the public to be confident that they are being given a true and fair account of the organisation in question. The auditor’s signature pledges his or her reputational capital so that the audited body’s public statements can be trusted. […]

Given the fundamental importance of trust, should auditors not then feel immensely valuable in the context of declining trust? Not so. Among our interviewees, a consensus emerged that the audit profession is under-producing trust at a critical time. One aspect of the problem is the quietness of audit: it is a profession that literally goes about its work behind the scenes. The face and processes of the auditor are rarely seen in the organisations they scrutinise, and relatively rarely in the outside world. Yet, if we listen to the mounting evidence of the importance of social capital, we know that frequent and reliable contacts between groups are important to strengthening and expanding trust.

So what can be done? Our research suggests that more frequent dialogue with audit committees and a more ambitious outward facing role for the sector’s leadership would be welcome. But we think more is needed. Audit for the 21st century should be understood and designed as primarily a confidence building process within the audited organisation and across its stakeholders. If the audit is a way of ensuring the client’s accountability, much more needs to be done to make the audit itself exemplary in its openness and inclusiveness.

Instead of an audit report being a trust-producing product, the audit process could become a trust-producing practice in which the auditor uses his or her position as a trusted intermediary to broker rigorous learning across all dimensions of the organisation and its stakeholders. The views of investors, staff, suppliers and customers could routinely be considered, as could questions from the general public; online technologies offer numerous opportunities to inform, involve and invite.

From being a service that consists almost exclusively of external investigation by a warranted professional, auditing needs to become more co-productive, with the auditor’s role expanding to include that of an expert convenor who is willing to share the tools of enquiry. Audit could move from ‘black box’ to ‘glass box’.

But the profession will still struggle to secure trust unless it can stake a stronger claim to supporting improvement. Does it increase the economic, social or environmental value of the organisations it reviews? It is one thing to believe in the accuracy of a financial statement audit, but it is another thing to believe in its utility.

Adapted from: https://auditfutures.net/pdf/AuditFutures-RSA-EnlighteningProfessions.pdf


“Unless” in “unless it can stake a stronger claim to supporting improvement” (7th paragraph) introduces a(n)



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“Unless” in “unless it can stake a stronger claim to supporting improvement” (7th paragraph) introduces a(n)

Unless’ em ‘unless it can stake a stronger claim to supporting improvement’ (7º parágrafo) introduz um(a)

a menos que possa reivindicar com mais força o apoio à melhoria

que passa uma ideia de condição.

Vamos às outras opções, só para descartar?

  • Plea: súplica, apelo
  • Averral: afirmação, declaração
  • Account: conta, relato
  • Foresight: previsão, precaução
  • Condition: condição

Essa questão tem uma maldade enorme na opção “Averral”, que significa uma asserção da verdade, mas que segundo o dicionário de Oxford online, somente foi usada nos anos 1600 (!)


De qualquer forma, você que é aluno do Esquemaria saberia resolver a questão mesmo sem saber o significado de Averral. ( Vou começar a usar, quem sabe trago de volta a moda?)

Como indicar condição?

If (Se): Usada para introduzir uma condição.

Exemplo: "If it rains, we won't go to the park."

(Se chover, não iremos ao parque.)

Unless (A menos que): Indica uma exceção à condição.

Exemplo: "We'll go to the beach unless the weather is bad."

(Vamos à praia, a menos que o tempo esteja ruim.)


As long as (Contanto que): Similar a "provided that", estabelece uma condição.

Exemplo: "You can participate as long as you follow the rules."

(Você pode participar, contanto que siga as regras.)

In case (Caso): Usada para expressar uma condição que pode acontecer.

Exemplo: "Take an umbrella in case it rains."

(Leve um guarda-chuva caso chova.)

Except if (Exceto se): Usada para indicar uma exceção.

Exemplo: "We'll go to the cinema, except if there are no tickets available."

(Iremos ao cinema, exceto se não houver ingressos disponíveis.)


Provided that (Desde que): Indica uma condição necessária.

Exemplo: "You can go out, provided that you finish your homework."

(Você pode sair, desde que termine o dever de casa.)


Essas palavras são essenciais para construir frases condicionais, permitindo especificar sob quais circunstâncias algo pode acontecer.

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