Digital technology is everywhere, and it is changing the way citizens behave. From working patterns to the day-to-day services we use and the places we live, there is no aspect of modern life that remains untouched by digital tools and solutions. This represents both the biggest challenge and opportunity for public sector organizations as they seek to engage citizens and create future-proofed, sustainably-minded societies.
The public sector plays a key role in setting the sustainability agenda for society, including the approach to circularity and recycling. While private sector companies can greatly influence the successful achievement of sustainability targets, the public sector bears the responsibility for outlining how society can achieve these goals more broadly at both national and local levels. By embracing the same digital technologies that are transforming their citizens’ lives, public sector organizations can help pivot society towards a more sustainable tomorrow.
In addition, there has been a rise of smart cities and the circular economy. Urban areas account for 75% of global carbon dioxide emissions, and the 100 cities with the greatest footprints account for 18% of global emissions. But there are more than 70 cities worldwide pledging to become carbon neutral by 2050.
Public sector actors can fuel sustainable transformation by releasing capital to invest in sustainable city transformation projects and smart cities. By tapping into the value of data and green infrastructure, smart cities can combat climate risks and become more resilient to the many unexpected events of today’s increasingly unpredictable world. These cities can support the decoupling of resource use and environmental impacts by diffusing circular economy approaches to production and consumption.
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Based on the ideas presented in the previous text, as well as on its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.
The segment “more than”, in the last sentence of the third paragraph, can be correctly replaced with over than without changing the meaning of the text.
Gramaticalmente, “more than” e “over” são usados como comparativos, mas têm funções ligeiramente diferentes:
Ambas as expressões são frequentemente intercambiáveis quando se referem a quantidades, mas “more than” é mais comum em contextos formais e matemáticos, enquanto “over” é frequentemente usado em contextos informais.
Podemos substituir "more than" por "over than"?
"More than" é uma expressão correta usada para indicar uma quantidade maior do que outra. Por exemplo, "more than 50 people" significa "mais de 50 pessoas". "Over" pode ser usado sozinho como sinônimo de "more than" em alguns contextos, especialmente em linguagem informal, mas não é correto usar "over than". Por exemplo, você pode dizer "over 50 people" em vez de "more than 50 people", mas não "over than 50 people". |
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